Root Canal Treatment

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Root Canal Treatment
  • Deep caries and cracks in the tooth bone are the main conditions that require root canal treatment. In cases where the tooth is too damaged to heal, the pulp is removed to protect the tooth. Therefore, the biggest advantage of root canal treatment is to save the dead tooth and not to lose the bone structure of the tooth. Some symptoms of conditions requiring root canal treatment can be listed as follows:
  • Swelling in the face and neck
  • Persistent tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Pimple-like sores on the gums
  • Cracked teeth
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Reflected toothache
  • Deep bruises
  • Darkened gums

Some symptoms that may indicate that a person may need a root canal treatment include


  • Severe toothache, especially when chewing or applying pressure
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold (pain)
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Swelling and tenderness of nearby gums
  • Incompatible restorations, new caries around old fillings, deep caries or accidental loss of vitality and infection of the nerve and vascular tissue of the tooth.


  • During root canal treatment, tooth nerves and inflamed tissues are removed, so the tooth is not sensitive to external factors. However, there may be sensitivity after treatment, which can be alleviated with painkillers.Food should not be eaten for at least three hours after treatment. Root canal treatment is successful and the tooth can be used for a lifetime with regular care.Consumption of sugary foods should be reduced, teeth should be cleaned regularly and dental examinations should be performed at least twice a year.Root canal treatment is a very easy, painless and comfortable procedure. With Esteworld’s 25 years of experience, expert staff and the advantages it offers, you can get your new look immediately by having root canal treatment, which has become much more privileged!
    • Root canal treatment is performed by a dentist or endodontist. The sequence of the procedure includes the following steps:
    • An X-ray is taken to visualize the root canals and signs of infection.
    • The dentist uses local anesthesia to relax the patient.
    • A rubber sheet is placed around the tooth to keep the area dry.
    • The dentist drills a hole to gain access to the root canal.
    • Harmful bacteria, decayed nerve tissue and pulp are removed and cleaned using root canal files.
    • Once the inside of the tooth has been cleaned, the hole is closed.
Proccesing Time : 10 Days
Anesthesia Method: Local
Return to Work: Immediately
Persistence of Results: 5 Years

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